Amiya Bharali Nursing Institute was established in the memory of one great kind hearted lady LATE AMIYA BALA BHARALI in 2008. Initially it was for only ANM Training Course. Since then till date 12 batches of students have successfully completed the course and presently extending their services effectively and efficiently under various Government and Private sector organizations in different districts of Assam. From the academic year 2018-2019, GNM Course was introduced in this institution with due permission from the Govt. of Assam, Health & Family Welfare Dept. and recognition/ affiliation from Assam Nurses’ Midwives and Heath Visitors’ Council (State Nursing Council) and Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi (INC).
Now from this academic year 2021-2022 we are going to introduce B.Sc Nursing degree course with due permission from the Govt. of Assam H& FW Dept. Recognition/Affiliation from the State Nursing Council, Indian Nursing Council and Srimanta Sankardeva University of Health Sciences, Guwahati, Assam.
The School is permitted by Govt. of Assam vide Memo No, HLA 742/2009/26 dtd. 12/01/10, Permitted by Indian Nursing Council, New Delhi, Memo no 02/May/2010-INC dtd.30/05/10 and Recognized by Assam Nurses’ Midwives’& Health Visitors’ Council, Guwahati Vide Memo No.NRC/05/2009/545 dtd.7/6/2010. Permission from Joint Director of Health Services, Guwahati for their practical in the Khetri CHC (30 bedded hospital) Khetri and Sonapur PHC, Sonapur and STHG Civil Hospital, Morigaon. All hospitals are immediate neighborhood from the Amiya Bharali Nursing Institute.

Our Vision
Develop and emerge as a centre of excellence for Nursing Education to prepare creative, caring competent and dedicated nursing professionals with higher moral commitment towards the society specially, those who are suffering due to sickness and disability.

Our Mission
Amiya Bharali Nursing Institute is committed to provide qualitative and value based education in the field of nursing profession to the weaker section of the society including tribal population of the surrounding areas. It strives to offer a platform to contribute richly to achieve the goals of various National Health Programs as well as Health Care Delivery System in the country.